Therapy For Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

family therapy for childhood sexual abuse survivors

As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, seeing a therapist or counselor is a powerful decision to make for yourself. Professional therapists help both adults and children resolve emotional conflicts, process memories of abuse, and provide a safe space to discuss paths to improve their current (and future) relationships and sexual experiences. There is no…

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More Dangerous Myths About Child Abuse

Child sexual abuse is an unfortunate reality for at least one out of every five children. Despite the very real danger, many parents find the idea of their child as a victim of sexual abuse too difficult to think about. We’ve already discussed some prevailing myths regarding the kinds of people who abuse children or…

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From Victim To Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse

From Victim To Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse Do You Find Yourself Struggling Through the steps of becoming a “survivor” of childhood sexual abuse? Childhood sexual abuse is one of the most difficult things individuals, and families may ever have to deal with in a lifetime. It’s something no child or parent should ever have…

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Parents: Do You Struggle With Triggers?

Parenting as a Survivor Do You Struggle With Triggers? If you’re a parent who survived childhood sexual abuse, have your experiences differed from the struggles moms and dads normally share? The question came up when anonymous user asked Reddit’s parenting forum for help: the mom of two young boys had survived sexual abuse as a…

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Why Avoiding Isn’t Helping

This post is part of a four-part series breaking down the defensive coping mechanisms that sexual abuse survivors most often struggle with. If you’d like to catch up, check out part one, “Know How You Cope.” What Avoidance Looks Like Avoidance festers in our actions or lack thereof. It can be helpful for a time…

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